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Re: Cyrillic HOWTO for Debian (was Re: woody -> potato - Help please!)

Michael Sobolev wrote on Wed May 31, 2000 um 10:51:47PM:
> On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 07:43:44PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > So the question: is there a useable HOWTO about setting up a Debian (Potato)
> > system for Russian?
> No. :)  If you  succeed, you could write on. :)

A good point. I have a better idea: what about a user-rus package, like
the german's user-de package? This package modifies the default settings
to make the system be useable in german environment.

> So what's the problem you have?  What you do?  What you expect to get?  And
> what you get?


Hey, sorry, I learned to type without looking, so I always hit the wrong
key using russian keyboard layout. In next days, I will hack something
like a ger2rus.map keymap, which will use latin/german letters to produce
russion charakters that sound similarly. Special characters like
юбьэжч will be produced by pressing <modifier>-key. I still don't know
which key should be the modifier. Кто подскажет?

A problem: X11-keyboard doesn't work. If I disable it (XkbDisable), then
the default map is loaded and I don't know how to switch the mapping.

Што идет:

Consolenfonts (Tumyp:spacibo)
keyboard on console (but I will change some things, see above)
переведеные програмы (русский mutt - классно :-)
русские X11-шрифты

Так, што я ожидаю:

Switching keyboard layout in X11

Eduard Bloch <eb@zombie.inka.de>; HP: http://eduard.bloch.com/edecosi
0xEDF008C5(gpg): E6EB 98E2 B885 8FF0 6C04  5C1D E106 481E EDF0 08C5

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