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Re: Ruby interpreter transition & DebCamp/DebConf plans

Hi Lucas,

On 2024-05-14 17:44, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> On 10/04/24 at 18:55 -0300, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After some thoughts and talking to Antonio, we decided to skip the version
>> 3.2 of the ruby interpreter and move straight to version 3.3 (which was
>> released by the end of 2023). We would do a single transition and ship the
>> latest version we can for our users in the next release.
>> With that in mind, I'd like to know who is planning to attend DebCamp. If we
>> have some people there I'll be organizing a Ruby sprint to work on this
>> transition. Like we usually do at the beginning of the year when we move to
>> a newer version of the interpreter (the previous sprints in Paris).
> I won't attend DebCamp/DebConf, but might be able to help with the
> transition remotely.

That's great!

> What are your plans regarding uploading Ruby 3.3 to experimental? Do you
> have a rough timeline already?

My plan is to have ruby 3.3 in experimental until the end of May. After
that I'll rebuild reverse dependencies. My goal is to go to DebCamp with
all the results for the rebuilds, so we can work on fixing the failures.
> FYI I just ran into a ruby 3.1 bug on ppc64el (see #1071002). For now I
> did a dirty fix in ruby-mysql2, assuming it will be fixed anyway when
> ruby3.2+ reaches Debian, since it's fixed that version.
> But the same bug might cause strange failures in other packages on
> ppc64el, so maybe it should be fixed in ruby3.1 by backporting the fix,
> depending on the timeline for the ruby3.3 transition.

Thanks for raising this, I'll take a look at this bug. But ideally we
should wait for ruby 3.3.

Lucas Kanashiro

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