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Re: ruby-cmdparse [was:] help welcome

Am / On Mon, 09 Nov 2020 00:28:53 +0100
schrieb / wrote Daniel Leidert <dleidert@debian.org>:

> They use a different naming scheme for their source
> tarballs. This one works:
> version=4
> https://github.com/gettalong/cmdparse/releases
> .*/REL_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)@ARCHIVE_EXT@

Thanks, that helped a lot, but I had to point it at
https://github.com/gettalong/cmdparse/tags (because there
are no new releases mentioned on the releases page). And
I had to realize that there's no need for filenamemangle at
all ;-)

So I was able to import the new upstream version in my
debian-3.0.6 branch and made my changes in the debian
directory again. This time I left the ruby-test.rb file
untouched although also this time there is no test suite in
the source and no './test/tc_commandhash' which this file
states to be required.

Nevertheless, after running the setup-script in the
meta-repository to get a clean build environment (I had to
install debci from unstable to make the script work), I
tried to build the package and got (who may have expected
that?) an build-error while running the tests for ruby2.7
from debian/ruby-tests.rb:

`require': cannot load such file -- ./test/tc_commandhash
(LoadError) from
`require' from debian/ruby-tests.rb:1:in `<main>' ERROR:
Test "ruby2.7" failed. Exiting."

So, where can I get this tc_commandhash from? Or how do I
change the ruby-test.rb to get the wished tests done? Do I
want to know what tests this are exactly?


Klaumi Klingsporn
mail: klaumikli@gmx.de
web: www.klaumikli.de

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