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Problem with ruby-espeak and CSV.parse changes

Hi there,

the newly accepted ruby-espeak (one of the Kali packages) fails to test
successfully with Ruby2.7. The reason seems that CSV.parse() has a behavior
change. It does not parse the file test/fixtures/voices.txt anymore as it did.
It seems using 

col_sep: ' '

is now interpreted literally. So fields separated by more then one space are
not parsed as columns in a row. To demonstrate consider this line:

> Pty Language Age/Gender VoiceName       File        Other Langs
>  5  af             M  afrikaans         af          

With ruby2.5 it is parsed like this:

> #<CSV::Row "Pty":"5" "Language":"af" "Age/Gender":"M" "VoiceName":"afrikaans"
> "File":"af" "Other":nil "Langs":nil>

and with ruby2.7 like this:

> #<CSV::Row "Pty":nil "Language":"5" "Age/Gender":nil "VoiceName":"af" nil:nil
> nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil "File":nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil
> nil:nil nil:nil nil:"M" nil:nil "Other":"afrikaans" "Langs":nil nil:nil
> nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:"af" nil:nil nil:nil
> nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil nil:nil>

This seems intentional:

The file format is determined by the output of `espeak --voices` and cannot be

Does anybody know, how to easily fix this, or is anybody up to add some magic
to lib/espeak/voice.rb to deal with this?

Regards, Daniel

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