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Re: Call for help!

Hi Utkarsh,

Looking at ruby arbre right now I'm able to reproduce your issue using
gbp buildpackage --run-autopkgtest (with a fresh sbuild chroot for

> Now, the packages using bundler and ruby-combustion, their autopkgtest
> fails (build is perfectly fine!) saying:
> "File does not exist: bundler/setup"

It also fails on "cannot load such file -- bundler".

I don't have a definitive answer yet but here's what I see:
 * when building, based on the logs of autopkgtest, you can see that
bundler is installed (which makes me think about a load path issue)
 * if you look at gem2deb-test-runner (which is what your package runs
with the automatic test suite), you will see that in autopkgtest mode
the gem_path won't be populated[1].
 * In non-autopkgtest mode it is with, among others
/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all which is where the bundler package
is now installed.

I've done a number of different tests to find out why we have that but
have not succeeded yet. I'll let you know if I find anything.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/gem2deb/blob/master/lib/gem2deb/test_runner.rb#L59


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