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Re: RFS: ruby-responders ruby-will-paginate

On വ്യാ, Nov 7, 2019 at 13:34, Samyak Jain <samyak.jn11@gmail.com> wrote:
Here, is the meta build report for ruby-responders build and reverse dependencies:
Meta build status needed for ruby-responders:

Diaspora, gitlab -> fails

Use upstream gitlab ci to test it, fork gitlab, create new branch, update version in Gemfile and create merge request, then it will run the pipeline. See if the pipeline passes.

ruby-devise -> passed
ruby-inherited-resources -> passed

Make sure these packages have tests enabled, else test with upstream test suite (bundle install, and bundle exec).

open-build-services -> Failed
rebuilding ruby-devise -> passed
rebuilding ruby-inherited-resources - > passed

Open bug against open-build-service with severity important for updating ruby-respeonders dependncy.

[I'll try to enable tests too]
Please push to ruby-team and I'll upload.

I have pushed the changes to the team, Thanks for the access. 

But why is it is targetted at experimental?

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