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Help: ruby-chunky-png


While packaging for gem chunky_png, (needed for the test in ruby-rqrcode), I'm stuck at a silly test failure, I couldn't get a proper solution to that. I hope if anyone can help to fix that up!

Link to the repo: https://salsa.debian.org/samyak-jn-guest/ruby-chunky-png
Error: http://paste.debian.net/1111866/
The test failures are as follows:

  1) ChunkyPNG::Canvas::Operations#rotate_left should not change the image dimensions
     Failure/Error: expect { subject.rotate_left }.to_not change { subject.dimension }
       expected `subject.dimension` not to have changed, but did change from #<ChunkyPNG::Dimension:0x00005569b0414d48 @width=2, @height=3> to #<ChunkyPNG::Dimension:0x00005569b0414820 @width=2, @height=3>
     # ./spec/chunky_png/canvas/operations_spec.rb:238:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  2) ChunkyPNG::Canvas::Operations#rotate_right should not change the image dimensions
     Failure/Error: expect { subject.rotate_right }.to_not change { subject.dimension }
       expected `subject.dimension` not to have changed, but did change from #<ChunkyPNG::Dimension:0x00005569b06c2310 @width=2, @height=3> to #<ChunkyPNG::Dimension:0x00005569b06c1d98 @width=2, @height=3>
     # ./spec/chunky_png/canvas/operations_spec.rb:280:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  3) ChunkyPNG::Canvas::Resampling#resample_nearest_neighbor should not change the original image's dimensions
     Failure/Error: expect { subject.resample_nearest_neighbor(1, 1) }.to_not change { subject.dimension }
       expected `subject.dimension` not to have changed, but did change from #<ChunkyPNG::Dimension:0x00005569b0a8fc40 @width=40, @height=40> to #<ChunkyPNG::Dimension:0x00005569b0a8f718 @width=40, @height=40>
     # ./spec/chunky_png/canvas/resampling_spec.rb:36:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  4) ChunkyPNG::Canvas::Resampling#resample_bilinear should not change the original image's dimensions
     Failure/Error: expect { subject.resample_bilinear(1, 1) }.to_not change { subject.dimension }
       expected `subject.dimension` not to have changed, but did change from #<ChunkyPNG::Dimension:0x00005569b063c698 @width=40, @height=40> to #<ChunkyPNG::Dimension:0x00005569b063c120 @width=40, @height=40>
     # ./spec/chunky_png/canvas/resampling_spec.rb:93:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.55297 seconds (files took 0.1955 seconds to load)
459 examples, 4 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/chunky_png/canvas/operations_spec.rb:237 # ChunkyPNG::Canvas::Operations#rotate_left should not change the image dimensions
rspec ./spec/chunky_png/canvas/operations_spec.rb:279 # ChunkyPNG::Canvas::Operations#rotate_right should not change the image dimensions
rspec ./spec/chunky_png/canvas/resampling_spec.rb:35 # ChunkyPNG::Canvas::Resampling#resample_nearest_neighbor should not change the original image's dimensions
rspec ./spec/chunky_png/canvas/resampling_spec.rb:92 # ChunkyPNG::Canvas::Resampling#resample_bilinear should not change the original image's dimensions

Hence, it is blocking ruby-rqrcode update, and disabling the test 
dosen't sounds to be a good idea to me, hope we could find a solution to it,

Samyak Jain

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