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Re: Ruby team BoF; here's what happened!


> == Ruby 2.7/2.8 Transition ==
> - 2.8 *might* be too late for Bullseye;
> - We're conducting a sprint when 2.7 has an RC (or preferably a stable) release by Dec 2019.

 Maybe it'd be better to discuss Ruby upstream, and why don't you try to
 package 2.7 before RC? https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/v2_7_0_preview2/NEWS

> - Using cme (libconfig-model editor) to refresh debian/* files; works well for other teams.

 Could you tell more detail, please?

> == Use Salsa CI ==
> - We discussed to use Salsa CI but don't know who's willing to go ahead with it and how?
> - Maybe this could be discussed over the next IRC meet or the sprint next year.

 Just adding debian/salsa-ci.yml file with disabling arch-depend tests
 is enough?

Hideki Yamane <henrich@iijmio-mail.jp>

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