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RFS ruby-aws-sdk (1.67.0-2) && 2 questions


ruby-aws-sdk started to fail during CI run [1] due to ruby-json version
requirement. This issue was (hot)fixed in Ubuntu version [2][3] so I've
ported their patch to us. Additionally, I've refreshed the package
(changed vcs to salsa, updated dates and http links, etc.). Please
review and upload it (all changes were committed to salsa).

Also two questions:
1. I assume that the way I've ported the patch is OK? Or are there any
additional steps/changes that I didn't know about?
2. Quite a few ruby packages display MultiArch warning 'annotate a
dependency with :any' against the ruby itself [4]. Is this a valid

Thanks! :)


[1] https://ci.debian.net/packages/r/ruby-aws-sdk/unstable/amd64/
[2] http://ubuntudiff.debian.net/?query=-FPackage+ruby-aws-sdk
[3] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-aws-sdk/1.67.0-1ubuntu1
[4] https://wiki.debian.org/MultiArch/Hints#dep-any

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