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help wanted with the Ruby toolchain

To: debian-ruby@lists.debian.org
Subject: help wanted with the Ruby toolchain


This is a call for help with the Ruby toolchain. We, the current maintainers
(Antonio Terceiro and Christian Hofstaedtler) are not planning to go away, but
we need more people to help with keeping Ruby up to date in Debian (and

What exactly is the Ruby toolchain

The Ruby toolchain is the set of packages you need for a basic, functional Ruby
installation, and to build the rest of the Ruby packages. This includes the
following source packages:

core toolchain:

* bundler
* gem2deb
* rubyX.Y (currently X.Y = 2.3)
* ruby-defaults
* rubygems-integration
* ruby-standalone

packages extracted from standard library:

* rake
* ruby-did-you-mean
* ruby-minitest
* ruby-net-telnet
* ruby-openssl (not yet strictly speaking, but will be for ruby2.5)
* ruby-test-unit


* There may be other packages extracted from the standard library in ruby2.5
  beyond ruby-openssl, so this list may grow a little bit.
* Some of the packages above are already managed like any other team package,
  thanks for those already working on them. Ideally, all of them should.

What maintaining the Ruby toolchain entails

Generally, maintaining the Ruby toolchain means two things:

1) keeping the Ruby toolchain packages in shape

There is nothing very special this, except that it requires a certain
amount of care given the large amount of other packages that depend on
the Ruby toolchain.  We are currently good enough with regards to
automated testing. I would say that it should be fairly easy to know
when things break, so this should not prevent anyone from sleeping at

2) handling Ruby transitions

A transition is the process by which we replace rubyX.Y with rubyX.(Y+1)
(or +2). This part is the one that requires the most amount of work, but
it only needs to happen once for each Debian release. In the past we did
it twice per release, but we recently agreed to do a single transition
for Buster going from ruby2.3 to ruby2.5 [TRANSITION-BUSTER], and if
that works well there will be no reason for us to go back to doing two
per cycle.

At this point, the process is fairly understood, and documented at the
wiki [TRANSITION-DOC].  That documentation could, and probably should,
be expanded.

The entire Ruby team does really nice work fixing the stuff that needs
to be fixed.  The role of the toolchain maintainers here is more having
an overview of the process: keeping track of what needs to be fixed,
reporting bugs, poking people to fix their stuff, eventually writing
patches to fix important blockers, keeping the release team informed,
etc. This is a reasonable amount of work, but it also gives you a nice
view of how the release process works (at least with regards to testing
migration), how Ruby works, etc.  In general, I always feel I learn a
lot during these transitions.

What are (were?) our immediate plans

ruby2.5 should be released by Christmas 2017, and that's what we will
have in Debian 10 (buster). By November we should have an RC or preview
release out, so we could be doing test rebuilds and all that with a
preview of ruby2.5 even before the actual release. The sooner we start
working on it, the more time we will have to get things in shape for the

Also, Ubuntu 18.04 freezes in the beginning of 2018. It would be nice if
at least the basic part of the migration is done by then, so they can
already release with ruby2.5.  If you care about Ruby on Ubuntu, it
would be in your interest to help.

What we want from potential co-maintainers

Basically we need help with the tasks described above, because depending
on only the two of us will make the upcoming transition take longer than
usual. Neither of us will be able to be the main drivers, but we will be
around to help, answer questions, etc. Once we have a few volunteers to
help, we can think of ways of improving knowledge transfer and the
available documentation, such as IRC/videoconf sessions, sprints, etc.

If you are willing to come on board, please say so. You do not need to
be a DD or DM to help.


[TRANSITION-BUSTER] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/20170609012532.mh5kkn452izczoq4@debian.org
[TRANSITION-DOC] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/InterpreterTransitions


Antonio Terceiro and Christian Hofstaedtler
Ruby toolchain maintainers

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