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Adding extra path / gempath during tests?


I am trying to finalize the update of ruby-neovim to its latest upstream

I have the following files in the source repo [1]:

# executable called by neovim when trying to run ruby code

# the actual ruby code for the gem

Now my problem: this gem has tests calling /usr/bin/nvim and requiring
the neovim-ruby-host to be in $PATH, and the gem to be installed (the
neovim-ruby-host has a require 'neovim/host' line).

Those tests work if I either install the gem with "gem install neovim"
or if I build the package with tests disabled. I would like the tests to
work whether or not the gem is installed.

How can I work around this? Adding ./bin/ to $PATH and somehow making
./lib/ available to ruby so 'require' works would be my first thought,
but I don't know how to that in debian/rules.

1: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-neovim.git


Jason Pleau

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