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DH_RUBY_GEMSPEC and check_dependencies in gem2deb-test-runner


In the process of updating ruby-json, I stumbled on a problem caused by
the presence of several .gemspec files in the source.

Whereas using the DH_RUBY_GEMSPEC environmnent variable in debian/rules
allows one to indicate a specific gemfile to build the package, the test
runner fail when trying to check dependencies because it
doesn't know which file to work on. If the environment variable
DH_RUBY_GEMSPEC was set in the autopkgtest environment then the metadata
handling from gem2deb could choose correctly the gemspec.

I cannot think of a simple mechanism to make this variable accessible
also to gem2deb-test-runner --check-dependencies, when it is run in
autopkgtests. A solution would be to not rely on autopkgtest-pkg-ruby
automatic test suite, but write an autopkgtest test. But it would be
more satisfactory to still use the standard parameters.

Do you have an idea?


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