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Re: RFS: ruby-mail-gpg 0.2.6-1

> On 16-05-11 09:53:06, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> > For this reason, I think you should find a way to restore
> > `debian/ruby-tests.rake` and make it work with gpg2 as gpg1 is likely
> > to go away in some near future…
> - I've made some progress: […]

Great! :)

I'm surprised you need to both launch and reload gpg-agent. I think it
would also be much better to kill the agent once the tests have been

> - AFAICT: Two last major showstoppers left, I need support with
>   these, because I can't find a way on my own to solve these:
>   - * One of the tests [1] fails. Running this gives:
>     Failure: <GPGME::Error::BadPassphrase> exception expected but none was thrown.
>     I guess the output of gpg changed during the transition from version
>     1.x to 2.x - but I didn't find a way how to overcome this.
>     Still I'm unsure, because there is "no exception thrown".
>     Should I remove this part? Could someone of you have a look into
>     this?

After fiddling around, I've managed to understand what's happening: the
agent is caching the passphrase. So it doesn't ask gpg to enter a new
one, and so the wrong passphrase is never given to gpg. So I guess the
agent needs to be told to forget the passphrase before this particular
test can be run properly.

>   - In 'debian/ruby-tests.rake', I've to set two env vars to a path
>     pointing at the upstream provided gpghome (this is: the upstream
>     provided gpghome inside the build dir) and reload gpg-agent
>     afterwards, so it picks up these.
>     I've added debian/gbp.conf and set the export-dir in there to
>     '../build-area/'.
>     Right now, the path in 'debian/ruby-tests.rake' is hardcoded, aka
>     "ruby-mail-gpg-0.2.6", which will fail obviously in the future.
>     So...I'm searching for a way to get the Debian package version of
>     the build.
>     How should I deal with this? I've had a look into the env vars which
>     are exported if using gbp buildpackage, but didn't found one which
>     would help in this case (as long as I read the manpage correctly).
> - Minor question:
>   - In the upstream provided gpghome, there are two (binary) files,
>     which, in my opinion, don't belong there: 'random_seed' and
>     'pubring.gpg~'. Using quilt gives, after adding the files to the
>     patch, removing the files from the filesystem, and refreshing the
>     patch, "diff failed". Doesn't this work for binary files? Or is it
>     because one isn't supposed to remove the files from the fs? Again, I
>     couldn't find something about this on the Internets..

Both the hardcoded path and the binary files have the same root cause:
this should all be generated on the fly as part of the test setup
process. I really don't think it's a good thing to have GnuPG binary
files shipped as part of the source.

Storing armored versions of the keys and importing them in a fresh
temporary directory is a more robust approach, IMHO…  This is how I did
it for Schleuder some time ago. The “around” block creates a new
temporary directory, sets the right environment variable and import keys
before running the tests. See:

If that feels like too much changes, you could at least copy upstream
binary files in a temporary and use that as the GNUPGHOME. Otherwise,
there's a risk that testing twice in a row will give surprising results.

Hope that helps,
Jérémy Bobbio                        .''`.
jeremy.bobbio@irq7.fr               : :   :         lunar@debian.org
                                    `. `'`          lunar@torproject.org

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