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important change to gem2tgz and gemwatch: metadata.yml -> foo.gemspec

I have just uploaded gem2deb 0.29, where gem2tgz will now create
${gemname}.gemspec *and* will not create metadata.yml anymore. Also,
foo.gemspec is created only if there is gemspec yet, so it upstream
ships their original gemspec to rubygems.org, that is what we are going
to use.

I have also deployed an equivalent change to gemwatch.

The reasons for the change are:

- when we need to patch stuff, patching a gemspec is a lot more
  practical than patching metadata.yml

- when there is both foo.gemspec *and* metadata.yml, the current default
  behaviour (which I won't change because it might break the packages
  currently in the archive) is to use metadata.yml _first_, and only use
  foo.gemspec if metadata.yml is not there, what is confusing. I already
  had some head scratching moments understanding why my patched gemspec
  was not doing the right thing (it was using metadata.yml instead).

- this change will only apply to newly generated tarballs, i.e. the
  packages in the archive still work as before.

So, when you are updading to new upstream versions using tarballs from
gemwatch, or using gem2tgz locally, please let me know (via the list) if
anything breaks.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org>

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