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Re: Checklist for uploading new versions

On 07/22/2016 10:41 PM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> yesterday on IRC:
> 23:29 < lucas> long time without doing any ruby packaging, let's hope I didn't break the world
> Looks like I did :/

I guessed :)

> The failure you quoted is about a strict dependency. Do you know if it's
> justified? The changes on ruby-json's side are fairly small. Also it
> seems that the strict dependency was dropped from the gemspec (it's not
> there anymore in version 1.0.2 of validate_url).

Generally a major version bump means it broke compatibility with
previous versions.

> Sorry about that, but before reverting, we should probably evaluate what
> is the exact damage: it's not reasonable to stick to older version just
> because other packages have unjustified(?) strict dependencies.

49 packages depends on ruby-json and it may not be really breaking
anything, but since its a major version we should check all or if we are
really sure it did not introduce any breaking change, we can just relax
the strict dependency. But it would be much better if we handle the
relaxing part before uploading.

> Lucas

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