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Re: Ruby BoF at DebConf16


here are the edited minutes of this years Ruby BoF:

* State of shipped apps/packages
  - State of Rails:
    stretch will ship with rails 4.2, unless something extraordinary happens
  - State of Gitlab:
    working in unstable; issues with upgrades, stabilizing
  - State of Redmine:
    latest upstream release for stretch; some issues on jessie (snapshot release)
  - State of Diaspora:
    Diaspora 6 bis being prepared
  - State of open-build-service:
    Andrew Lee working on it. might ship in stretch

* General direction: should the team focus on packaging apps vs. providing a lot of
  libraries (which are not used by the apps we ship)?
  At this time the team maintains >= 1000 packages (up from 800 last year).
  Decision: libraries that are not broken should mostly be kept.

* reverse-dependency breakage check. Often when libraries are updated, their
  reverse dependencies break, especially the larger applications.
  - ACTION: terceiro: add app test for key packages to build-and-upload
  - key packages: gitlab, redmine, diaspora, rails, obs (when ready)

* QA cleanup:
  - Remove ruby-bdb? yes.
  - Remove ruby-bluecloth? yes.
  - Remove ruby-hpricot? too many rdepends.
  - Many packages did not see uploads for a long time. zeha@ will seperately mail
    about this and call for help.
  - Many leaf packages are outdated versions, help is needed to update these. zeha@
    will mail as well.

* General TODOs for stretch:
  - OpenSSL 1.1.0 will likely be in stretch, ruby 2.3 does not support it.
    Help is welcome to look at backporting the changes and/or shipping ruby-openssl
    unbundled instead - note that upstream is not done yet.
  - Reduce number of outdated libraries (update those where possible)
  - ruby2.3 package does not build reproducibly. Help needed.
  - Introduce git-buildpackage patch-queue usage for the team?
    * ACTION: terceiro mail debian-ruby@l.d.o asking people to use gbp pq
  - Advertise build-and-upload script. HELP needed: write some documentation
    about the expected setup.
  - Improve team documentation, how to use our tools, etc. Somebody please work
    on this.

* We will ping inactive team members, where inactive means 'have not touched files
  in git for > 2 years'. Goal here: know who's actually active (and how many people),
  possibly remove inactive members from the alioth group.

* Next sprint:
  If we wait until February/March, sprint will fall into the stretch freeze.
  Suggestion: another sprint this year. Austria was suggested.

 ,''`.  Christian Hofstaedtler <zeha@debian.org>
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   7D1A CFFA D9E0 806C 9C4C  D392 5C13 D6DB 9305 2E03

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