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Re: RFS: ruby-mail-gpg 0.2.6-1

> The following package is ready to be reviewed / uploaded:
> 	ruby-mail-gpg 0.2.6-1
> As this is my first package, I would be happy to get some pointers in
> case there is anything not in shape.

Thanks for your work.

The only mistake I could find by looking at the source is in

“MIT” is an ambiguous term for the licence, see
The term most often refers to the Expat license:
Could you check and specify “Expat” if it's the case?

Have you tried to run autopkgtest for the package?  I know it's one more
thing to setup, but it's now fairly easy and you won't regret it.
Uploading a package that breaks stuff is not a fun experience.

For this reason, I think you should find a way to
restore `debian/ruby-tests.rake` and make it work with gpg2 as gpg1 is
likely to go away in some near future… Maybe this needs a fix in
ruby-gpgme? Seems it's an old and unsolved issue:

Implementing only the required part of the agent protocol should be
simple enough. It's documentation is available at:
Then setting the `GPG_AGENT_INFO` variable to point at the custom agent
should do the trick to feed gpg with the right passphrases.

Lunar                                .''`. 
lunar@debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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