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ITP: schleuder3, schleuder-conf, mail-gpg and some questions

Hello ruby people,

Some weeks ago I was in the need of setting up a gpg-enabled
mailinglist, so I wanted to install schleuder [1], but got to know that
this exists only in wheezy.

Nowadays there is a complete rewrite of the old codebase, named
schleuder3. The description [2] reads:

"Schleuder is a gpg-enabled mailinglist with remailing-capabilities.
Subscribers can communicate encrypted (and pseudonymously) among
themselves, receive emails from non-subscribers and send emails to
non-subscribers via the list.

Version 3 of schleuder is a complete rewrite, which aims to be more
robust, flexible, and internationalized. It also provides an API for the
optional web interface called webschleuder."

In the meantime I spoke to paz, the upstream author, and mailed with
lunar(@d.o), the former maintainer. I would like to try to do the
packaging to get schleuder back into Debian, and both are happy with
this and quite supportive. Lunar hasn't much time for this, because he's
busy with other projects, but he totally recommend I should contact you,
hence this mail.

My motivation behind this: Besides the fact that I'm still in the need
of schleuder in Debian (and don't want to use the wheezy package for
this), I've used Debian extensively for the last ten years, on my
personal machines and on many servers etc. but never "gave something
back", which I wanted to do for a long time, but never did - so maybe
now is a good point in time to change this.

Sadly my ruby knowledge is de-facto quite limited (I work as a sysadmin
and doing stuff with python normally), and up until now I've never did
packaging for Debian, so I guess I'll need some pointers, advice and
hand-holding in the beginning (but I'm able to learn quickly).

So far for the background; I've got some questions as well already:

- According to the wiki [3] one should use the pkg-ruby-extras git repo
  at git.debian.org. AFAICT, this is the shared git repo of the Debian
  ruby team, right? Should I, as an "external person", use this as well?

- Looking at the requirements [4] of schleuder3 these are all already
  satisfied within Debian, but mail-gpg [5]. So I would start packaging
  this, naming it "ruby-mail-gpg", because it's a library, not an
  application, right?

- Before doing this: Is it wise to speak to upstream to inform them
  about this?

- Regarding naming of packages, I'm unsure as well: The old schleuder
  package within wheezy was just named "schleuder", whereas it was
  called "schleuder2" upstream. How should I name the new schleuder
  package? In my opinion, the right name would be "schleuder3" to be
  consistent with upstream, and using this name would also prevent
  hassle if people upgrade (e.g. from wheezy to jessie); AFAICT there is
  no safe upgrade path from schleuder2 to schleuder3.

- According to the install documentation [6], after installing, one
  should run "schleuder install", which "creates neccessary directories,
  copies example configs, etc". Should this stay like this, or is it
  better (or the only possibility) to create a postinst script which
  should / would do this?

- As this package is quite security relevant, because of the fact
  that I'm just starting out and to prevent the "hit-by-a-bus"
  scenario: Is there anybody of you interested in co-maintaining these

- One more question in general, regarding packaging: If I need help with
  specific problems, whats the better way to seek for advice: Sending a
  mail here, using irc, or ... ?

Thanks so much in advance, have a nice weekend and all the best!

[1] https://packages.debian.org/wheezy/schleuder
[2] https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3#schleuder-version-3
[3] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging#Creating_a_new_Git_repository_and_pushing_an_existing_package_to_git.debian.org
[4] https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3/blob/master/Gemfile.lock
[5] https://github.com/jkraemer/mail-gpg
[6] https://git.codecoop.org/schleuder/schleuder3#installation

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