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Re: Re: Problems with packaging rubygem dashing



thanks for your answer and sorry for my late reply. Yes, I still have issues with packaging dashing.


So I tried your suggestion and patched the dashing file in bin/ to look in the correct place for the templates (https://github.com/Shopify/dashing/blob/master/bin/dashing). This fixes the problems I had regarding the command to create a new dashboard.


Unfortunately, I still have problems running dashing as it does not find the location of the ruby packages (e.g. thin, sass)of which dashing depends on. The needed debian ruby packages get installed in /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/, while “gem install” places them in /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/. As a result, dashing displays: “Could not find gem ‘GEMNAME ruby’, which is required by gem ‘dashing ruby’, in any of the sources”. However, if you install the needed ruby gems with “gem install”, dashing finds them and works just fine. Is this problem associated with the “File.expand_path("../../lib", bin_file)“ line in bin/dashing?


Thank you very much in advance.




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