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gitlab - install problems

first of all, I want to thank you for your hard work on packaging gitlab for 
I installed it from ~praveen repo to migrate from packages generated from 

I want to share some problems I encountered, i hope it don't come from this 
migration, because it's packaged a little differently.
I had to upgrade system from Wheezy to Jessie and than to Stretch.

1) init script wants to run daemons under user "git" which (i believe) is not 
created by this package

2) init script doesn't work with systemd (some problem with policykit, when it  
tries to su to user git)

3) package doesn't migrate DB but creates new empty database in rake-tasks

4) package gitlab-shell doesn't contain /usr/share/gitlab-shell/hooks 
directory - maybe reason of
after copying this directory from source package, creation on repository 
started to work

5) weird paths created and expected by gitlab-shell
 a) command paths in /usr/share/gitlab/.ssh/authorized_keys point to:
 "/usr/lib/ruby/bin/gitlab-shell", i have had to create symlink
   btw: authorized_keys should probably be somewhere in /var/lib, because it's 
generated ?

 b) i have to generete more symlinks in /usr/lib/ruby to get gitlab-shell 
./bin/gitlab-shell -> /usr/share/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-shell
./config.yml -> /usr/share/gitlab-shell/config.yml
./gitlab-shell.log -> /usr/share/gitlab-shell/gitlab-shell.log
./.gitlab_shell_secret -> /usr/share/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret
./lib/gitlab_init.rb -> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/gitlab_init.rb
./lib/gitlab_keys.rb -> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/gitlab_keys.rb

 c) i some more symlinks in /usr/share/gitlab-shell
  ./.gitlab_shell_secret -> /usr/share/gitlab/.gitlab_shell_secret
 ./lib/gitlab_init.rb -> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/gitlab_init.rb
 ./lib/gitlab_shell.rb -> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/gitlab_shell.rb

 d) gitlab-shell logs to /usr/share/gitlab-shell/gitlab-shell.log

Thanks for your work again,
with regards,

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