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Re: gemspec


On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Kai Noda <nodakai@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Per,
> I've been away from packaging for a while, but I've just pushed my draft
> version to the "debian" branch at
> https://github.com/nodakai/watchman/tree/debian

Are you a member in the pkg-ruby-extras group on Alioth?

If so, you can create a repository in the team repository. It must
by no means be done, finish, polished, or good to live there.
See at as work in progress.

The packaging is a very good start!

I had a look and have the following suggestions:

+ Again, please put it in the team repository. See the wiki page for docs. [0]

+ The package does not build clean in pbuilder, see below.

* You should add gem2deb as a build dependency, this adds e.g.
  ruby and other things necessary to build instead of listing them
  explicitly. (Since ruby isn't listed as a build-dep rake can't

* I don't think there is any reason to create a Python 2 package anymore
  since Debian is deprecating Python 2 and migrating everything to Python 3.
  (Maybe you can drop totally in favour of the above mentioned gem2deb,

* The directory for the watchman(1) man page isn't created. Use
  dh_installman(1) (e.g. list man pages in debian/package.manpages)
  or use dh_installman in debian/rules directly.

+ The package is not lintian clean.

* The ruby-watchman package is empty, did you forget to install it
  in dh_auto_install target?

* Descriptions should not end with periods.

[0] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging


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