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Re: Request review for ruby gem packages.

On 9/9/15, Andrew Lee <ajqlee@debian.org> wrote:

> Please check if anything are still missing?

0. All packages need description to be fixed (expand, wrap, don't
start with article), see lintian messages.

1. ruby-acts-as-list, have you tried to build it?
    It sh'ld have ruby-activerecord and ruby-sqlite3 in Build-Depends.
    Then it's better to remove gem 'activerecord', '>='
from list_test.rb and replace require
"#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib/acts_as_list" with require
"acts_as_list" or your package will fail on deb-ci.
    And it's still using MIT as license name.

2. ruby-cliver.
    May be there is no need to install CONTRIBUTING.md it's useless
for end user.
    Specs are nor Rspec3 compatible use transpec to convert.
    Patch cliver.rb to use require "core_ext/file" instead of require
File.expand_path('../core_ext/file', __FILE__)

3. ruby-clockwork.
    In specs remove require "rubygems" and replace require
File.expand_path('../../lib/clockwork', __FILE__) with require
    Fix Depends: in debian/control.
    Install clockworkd.1 as manpage and example.rb as example.

4. ruby-cocoon.
    Fix Depends and Build-Depends.
    In install_generator.rb you should patch source_root
File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__), dunno what the proper
value is.
    Instead of adding History.md to docs install it using
        dh_installchangelogs History.md -O--buildsystem=ruby

5. ruby-codemirror-rails
    Don't embed 3rd party code (codemirror js/css) in your package.
    Fix Depends and Build-Depends.

6. ruby-innertube
    Remove from spec helper:
$: << File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
$: << File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)
require 'rubygems'

7. ruby-joiner
    Specs will not work w/o combustion, it's not packaged, consider packaging.
    Fix Depends and Build-Depends.
    Remove from spec helper:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'

8. ruby-jquery-datatables-rails
    As usual, fix Depends.
    3rd party data files should go into their own package, packages
from their upstream, and embedded copy should be removed.
    Ask somebody with good rail background to review. It seems to me
that you should patch install_generator.rb:
          js_manifest = 'app/assets/javascripts/application.js'
          css_manifest = 'app/assets/stylesheets/application.css'

9. ruby-middleware
    Good. But see [0].

10. ruby-pundit
    Fix Depends and Build-Depends.
    Do end user really needs CONTRIBUTING.md and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md?

11. ruby-rails-tokeninput
    I'm not Rails expert, but do we actually need this package? It
does nothing in Rails 4.
    And jquery tokeninput scripts and stylesheets should not be embedded.

12. ruby-riddle
    Fix Depends and Build-Depends (ruby-mysql2).
    Install HISTORY as in ruby-cocoon.
    Remove from spec helper:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'

$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib'
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..'

Bundler.require :default, :development

13. ruby-sprite-factory
    Fix Depends and Build-Depends
    Install RELEASE_NOTES.md the right way
    Fix require File.expand_path('../lib/sprite_factory',
File.dirname(__FILE__)) in test/test_case.rb

14. ruby-thinking-sphinx
    Again, fix Depends and Build-Depends
    Install HISTORY the right way
    Fix specs syntax for Rspec3 compatibility
    Remove from spec_helper:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'

Bundler.require :default, :development

15. ruby-xmlhash
    Is it possible to patch you app to use ruby-nori instead? We don't
need two packages for the same purpose
    Fix Build-Depends
    Install History.txt the right way

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