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Re: rspec2 -> rspec3 conversion question

On 04/08/15 19:54, Hleb Valoshka wrote:
> Hi team.
> I'm using transpec to convert rspec syntax to rspec3, but it seems
> that it's not enough. I need help to properly convert such pieces:
> == rspec 2.14 syntax ==
> describe Ridley::ClientResource do
>   subject { described_class.new(double('registry')) }
>   describe "#regenerate_key" do
>     let(:client_id) { "rspec-client" }
>     before { subject.stub(find: nil) }
>     context "when a client with the given ID does not exist" do
>       before { subject.should_receive(:find).with(client_id).and_return(nil) }
>       it "raises a ResourceNotFound error" do
>         expect {
>           subject.regenerate_key(client_id)
>         }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::ResourceNotFound)
>       end
>     end
>   end
> end
> == after transpec ==
> describe Ridley::ClientResource do
>   subject { described_class.new(double('registry')) }
>   describe "#regenerate_key" do
>     let(:client_id) { "rspec-client" }
>     before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(find: nil) }
>     context "when a client with the given ID does not exist" do
>       before { expect(subject).to
> receive(:find).with(client_id).and_return(nil) }
>       it "raises a ResourceNotFound error" do
>         expect {
>           subject.regenerate_key(client_id)
>         }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::ResourceNotFound)
>       end
>     end
>   end
> end
> ====
> The problem that code in before {} does not work, and ...Mock... error
> raised instead of expected one.

Can you paste the full error please?

> How such code should look to work with rspec3?

The 'after transpec' code looks fine, although the combination of a stub and a
mock of the same method is a little odd.


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