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fog-voxel test failure

The gem fog-voxel uses shindo for running its tests. But, it seems there is some
problem with shindo and fog-voxel as it is explained in the bug[1]. So the upstream
maintainer suggested me to use rake instead . But, in the Rakefile[2] it seems they are
setting an environment variable FOG_MOCK and running the shindo command itself.
However, shindo appears to work if I set the environment variable FOG_MOCK to 
true (which I assume is to simulate an actual working platform like Amazon S3). 

Am I permitted to copy this behaviour from Rakefile and set an environment
variable through my debian/ruby-tests.rake file? Or, is setting the environment
variables not permitted while packaging?

[1] https://github.com/fog/fog-voxel/issues/2
[2] https://github.com/fog/fog-voxel/blob/master/Rakefile#L16
Balasankar C

"Freedom is never easily won, but once established, freedom lasts, spreads and chokes out tyranny." - Trent Lott

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