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Re: next Ruby Team sprint

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 08:15:29PM +0200, Jonas Genannt wrote:
> Hello,
> as discussed in the Ruby BoF on Debconf2014 we are planing a next Ruby Team sprint.
> We had a Team sprint in January 2014 before the Mini Debconf in Paris. It was our first
> Ruby sprint, we had a really cool time there and done a lot of work.
> I think the best time for a new Ruby sprint would be from November 2014 until May 2015.

In November we are already frozen, so I don't know how useful a sprint
would be.

I hope we had already released by May 2015, so maybe that would be a
better time (but it would be in France again)

> There will be a MiniDebconf in India also the MiniDebconf France will be held in April
> 2015 in Lyon.
> Before we choose a location, I think we should ask here:
> 	Who wants attend to a Ruby sprint?

I would.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org>

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