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Re: Proposed new initiative: include HTML documentation

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Cédric Boutillier <boutil@debian.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 11:03:03AM +0200, Cédric Boutillier wrote:
>> Your approach proposes to run rdoc as a part of dh_ruby. I have a few
>> questions about that:
>> - what do we do for packages needing specific options parameters?
>> - for packages using another documentation tool, like yardoc instead?
>> As this command is run as part of the install process, there is no
>> simple way to override it.
>> We would need to touch the debhelp7 part of gem2deb code to create a
>> installdocs, and run the rdoc command as part of dh_ruby --installdocs.
>> In the mean time, would it make sense in a first step to
>> provide the generic rdoc command as a override_dh_installdocs target in
>> debian/rules?
> My apologies. Now I got a bit more caffeine, I see that the
> documentation creation is part of dh_ruby --build (which was doing
> nothing) instead of dh_ruby --install, as I wrote.
> I understand also that modifying the dh_installdocs to build the
> documentation may be a bad idea (what to do if we don't want to build
> it? overriding this seems awkward).
> So my questions, would be:
> - do we want a rdoc command to be a generic command of the build system?

Most probably not.

> - if yes, how do we modify it/disable it when needed?

We could introduce a variable DH_RUBY_DOC_GENERATOR, along
with a variable for build options, which defaults to rdoc.

> - is it better to provide a generic override rule for a dh_* target in
>   debian/rules as part of dh-make-ruby?

Do you mean something like a new dh_ruby_docs?

> - if yes, which target do we override? Poking at the repos, sometimes
>   people use dh_auto_build, sometimes dh_installdocs.

I personally like to see build stuff in the build targets, and then install
things in install targets or *.install/manpages/docs files.


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