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Re: RFS: ruby-execjs, ruby-mail, ruby-session

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 02:03:50AM -0400, Caitlin Matos wrote:

> So, I've reincluded the coffeescript test, and am running into problems
> because it tries to open an external site. In researching the issue, I've
> seen quite a few bug reports saying test suites should not rely on an
> external connection (e.g.,
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=683904).

> First of all, is there a policy anywhere that actually says that? I've
> searched through the Policy Manual, Dev guide, etc., and haven't seen
> anything (but I wasn't very thorough).

I think it is implicit in the definition of the 'main' Debian archive.
The 'main' packages should be built using only software from the main
archive (which implies that everything should be contained on the
archive, and not downloaded from a third party website).

> I see 2 solutions here: either eliminating the test completely, or bundling
> a coffeescript file to be used by the test suite instead of the external
> site. Given that the coffeescript-functionality is non-essential, I'd vote
> to just remove it (which is exactly what the previous packager had done, and
> it's possible this was the rationale all along...but there's no
> documentation, so I can't tell!). FWIW, when I build the package locally and
> not in a chroot (i.e., using debuild), the test passes.

In the test you are looking at, the web page is opened to read the
script of coffee-script.js. Since this source code is available from the
Debian archive directly through the ruby-coffee-script-source package,
even better through the libjs-coffeescript package, you can instead
of opening http://coffeescript.org/extras/coffee-script.js, open


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