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Re: RFS: unicorn, ruby-tzinfo, ruby-gettext, ruby-kgio

On Mon, Jun 09, 2014 at 10:35:26PM +0300, Hleb Valoshka wrote:
> On 6/9/14, Christian Hofstaedtler <zeha@debian.org> wrote:
> > Passed over ruby-tzinfo because I'm not sure what the version bump
> > means for rdepends like rails (looks like they might break). Have
> > you checked that both versions of rails still work with 1.2.x?
> No, I don't use rails. But I according to tzinfo's changelog 1.2.0 and
> 1.2.1 are merely a bugfix releases and shouldn't break anything. But
> let's wait for Antonio.

activesupport is already patched to use tzinfo ~> 1.0, so if it works
with the current 1.1 it will also work with 1.2.x

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org>

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