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RFC: on the future of the ruby-switch and rbenv packages

Hello all,

The recent change to the interpreter packages to drop support for
switching interpreters using alternatives broke both ruby-switch and
`rbenv alternatives`.

Besides, I am working on a new gem2deb release in which shebangs will
now use `/usr/bin/ruby` instead of `/usr/bin/env ruby`. This is
justified by the fact that since we won't be providing alternative
interpreters, any interpreter that is not /usr/bin/ruby is not provided
by Debian, so in that case we don't want system binaries running with
anything different than /usr/bin/ruby.

With all this, ruby-switch and rbenv alternatives make no sense anymore.
I am inclined to do the following:

- request the removal of ruby-switch
- drop the rbenv-alternatives plugin from rbenv (rbenv already supports
  switching between the system Ruby and its own).

I would like to have any feedback on this.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org>

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