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Re: Debian Ruby Sprint, Paris, mid January 2014

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 12:54:02AM +0200, Cédric Boutillier wrote:
> Dear Ruby team,

> This emails follows after the Ruby BoF at DebConf13, where the idea of
> organizing a Ruby sprint to focus on some particular tasks has emerged.

> As Debian France is organizing a Mini DebConf in January 2014 (certainly
> 18-19, dates to be confirmed), this may be a great opportunity to gather
> and organize the Ruby Sprint as a satellite event of this mini DebConf
> (preferably just before?) for about three days.

> The major goal of this sprint would be to setup a QA infrastructure
> to test the state of Rails and put Rails back in a usable state.
> Another goal would be to continue working on the removal of Ruby 1.8.

> I have quickly drafted a wiki page for this event:
>   https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Meeting/Paris2014

> The event would be hosted by IRILL
>   http://www.irill.org/about
> and travel expenses covered (at least to some extent) by Debian.

> If you are interested in joining, put your name and some infos in the
> wiki. Don't hesitate to send questions / remarks / ideas about this
> project.

Debian France has confirmed the days of the Paris Mini DebConf (January 18-19)

We're now at 45 days from the event. If you think you will come (even if
you are not sure), please fill in an entry in the wiki page, and
evaluate the amount of money you would need to travel, so that we can
ask some money from Debian, before next monday (December 9).


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