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Re: RFS: ruby-twitter

Hi Anish,

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 04:22:44AM +0530, Anish A wrote:
> Hi,

>  I prepared the packaging of ruby-twitter. It is lintian clean and
> tested with pbuilder. Further information about this package can be
> accessed from the URL :

>     https://mentors.debian.net/package/ruby-twitter

> Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

>     dget -x http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/r/ruby-twitter/ruby-twitter_4.7.0-1.dsc

>  As my membership request to alioth is still pending, I've added my package
> to the following git-repo:

>     https://gitorious.org/debian-diaspora/ruby-twitter

You've been a member of the Ruby team for some time now, so you can put
your package directly in the team repository. (For some reason, there is
no notification automatically sent when someone is added to a team).

The address of the Git repo 
would have been more useful, as it allows others to directly clone the

> Consider to review and upload it.

Here are a few comments:
- debian/ruby-twitter.docs is still commented: please remove the first
  line and uncomment the second.
- you have indicated two methods to run the tests: ruby-tests.rake and
  ruby-test-files.yaml. I guess you want to remove the second one.
- debian/control: 
  + Standards-Version should be 3.9.4
  + remove DM-Upload-Allowed: line (lintian should have warned you about
    these two items
  + uncomment the Vcs-* fields when you import your package to the team
  repo, and use 'canonical' anonscm.debian.org URI
Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-twitter.git
  + the commented line below depends are metadata coming from the gem. It
    says that this library depend on ruby-faraday (<< 0.10~),
    ruby-multi-json, ruby-simple-oauth, but none of these libraries are
    listed in Depends:. This commented line should disappear.
  + my feeling is that your version dependencies for Build-Depends are
    too strong. I would remove the ones for ruby-rspec, ruby-webmock,
    ruby-timecop, and relax the ones for ruby-faraday, ruby-multi-json,
    ruby-simple-oauth to match the ones indicated in the metadata line.
  + the long description should be reformulated to use full English
    phrases, with subjects and verbs. A space is missing after the
    period in "of Twitter API.Twitter "
- debian/patches: I am not sure of the effect of the last hunk of your
  patch. You want maybe instead to disable_net_connect! without
  exception for coveralls.io. So instead, I would have replaced the line

The package fails to build with pbuilder with the following error 
-e:1:in `require': no such file to load -- spec/fixtures/about_me.json (LoadError)
        from -e:1
        from -e:1:in `each'
because of the presence of the debian/ruby-test-files.yaml.




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