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Re: Rails 3.2 sessions broken with Rack 1.5

On Sun, Jun 09, 2013 at 06:49:03AM -0400, Sam Ruby wrote:
> On 06/08/2013 10:25 PM, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> >On Thu, Jun 06, 2013 at 04:28:23PM -0400, Sam Ruby wrote:
> >>On 06/05/2013 11:50 AM, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> >>>
> >>>I will be happy to replace my very simple Rails test which yours. Is
> >>>there a way to run those tests without installing anything, so that I
> >>>can just do `apt-get install rails` and then run the tests? I couldn't
> >>>figure this out from a quick read at the README.
> >>
> >>I'm now at the point where you should be able to reproduce my
> >>results. See the attached testrails.sh for instructions.
> >
> >That's awesome - I have just run the whole thing on a clean chroot here!
> >
> >The only missing part in the script was installing git, but that should
> >be an issue in the CI environment since git would be a prerequisite for
> >pulling the test repository in the first place.
> Oopsie! :-)

I was actually thinking "that should *not* be an issuein the CI environment" :)

> >I have no plans to support rvm at all. Can we drop rvm-capistrano there?
> Sure.  For background, this script is intended to regression test
> the scenario used in the Agile Web Development with Rails book.
> That book currently recommends installing via RVM and gems.  That's
> due to the currently lacking support for recent versions of Ruby and
> Rails on various platforms (its even worse for Mac OS X), and with
> RVM typically being the path of least resistance to getting a newbie
> up and running.
> I'd love to be able to tell people "apt-get install awdwr" (most
> likely with a PPA) and you are up and running!
> Realistically, though, my book tends to be ahead of the curve -- the
> current version of the book covers Rails 4.  It was made available
> within 48 hours of the first beta, and I push out an update each
> time a release candidate ships.  It looks like there will be another
> rc this week, so this will be a busy week.

I understand the need for RVM in the general case. It would be nice if
we could skip rvm in the 'pure-Debian' test, though.

> >The TODO list for getting your tests running on a pure-Debian system
> >look quite encouraging:
> >
> >- get jquery-ui-rails packaged
> >- get gorp packaged
> >- fix the rack issue
> >
> >I saw you are already working on the rack issue, thanks a lot. Do you
> >want to tackle the packaging too? :-)
> Sure... but I'm time slicing this effort, and I plan to focus first
> on the rack issue as that has the most unknowns and would be best if
> I were to get it pushed upstream into Rails itself and let it flow
> from there back to here.
> I'll stop in on #debian-ruby when I get to the point where I may be
> ready to start packaging.

No problem.

> >>I've also attached the consolidated output from the run as
> >>checkdepot.html.  A quick spot check of the output indicates that
> >>many (if not all) of the errors are covered by bug 709431[1].
> >
> >Cool.
> >
> >>Along the way I encountered two other problems that I merely
> >>captured and moved on.  Now that I have completed the first-pass at
> >>this, please let me know the best way to report these problems.
> >>
> >>The first problem is that an install of ruby-bcrypt doesn't make the
> >>bcrypt-ruby gem available.  See bcrypt.log.
> >
> >Cédric already pushed a fix for this (thanks Cédric!).
> Yup, thanks!
> >>The second problem is that mysql-server-5.5 isn't installable using
> >>the default configuration.  See mysql.log.
> >
> >What you mean with default configuration? I tried installing
> >mysql-server-5.5 (5.5.31-1) on a clean chroot twice (one time setting
> >the DB root password, and the other not doing it), and both times it
> >worked for me.
> >
> >You may want to review the existing bugs at
> >http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=mysql-server-5.5;dist=unstable
> >and see if any of those matches your problem, if not you might want to
> >report a new one.
> Will do.  Again, I didn't look in this with any depth, I just noted
> it and moved one.  Will circle back to this at some point.
> >So all those tests were run against sqlite3 only, right?
> These tests, sure.  If you look into awdwr you will see that there
> is another set of tests: deploydepot and checkdeploy.  These bring
> in Apache, Passenger, Capistrano, MySQL, and RVM.  (And, before you
> ask -- rvm isn't central to these tests either).

OK :)

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org>

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