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request for review / sponsoring / team maintenance: lolcat, ruby-paint

hello ruby team,

i've packaged the lolcat program (a game similar to cowsay) and the
ruby-paint library it depends on. as described in the itp (646877,
646876), the packages are functional and lintian clean, but as of not
using ruby myself, i'd like to have someone with ruby packaging
experience to have a glance at it.

the packages are uploaded to mentors [1], [2].

if the reviewer considers the packages fit for upload, i'd be happy to
get them sponsored.

i have not yet participated in a debian team, and given my lack of
experience with ruby, i don't think i can contribute much to
pkg-ruby{,-extras}. if, however, the the modalities of team membership
are such that i can join the team for sake of joinly maintaining the
packages i'm presenting here, i'd be happy to.

please keep me addressed in replies, as i have not yet joint the
debian-ruby list.

best regards

[1] http://mentors.debian.net/package/lolcat
[2] http://mentors.debian.net/package/ruby-paint

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  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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