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RFH: ruby-rubymail 1.0.0-1


I am about to adopt librmail-ruby1.8 and porting it to the new
Ruby policy thus creating ruby-rubymail. It is in the
pkg-ruby-extras repository now.

Everything is done and works except one weird thing. One test
fails *only* when built inside a chroot with pbuilder.

The error is as follows:

Loaded suite debian/ruby-tests
Finished in 2.065933 seconds.

  1) Failure:
test_add(TestRMailHeader) [./test/testheader.rb:212]:
<"value; param1=value1; param2=\"+value2\""> expected but was
<"value; param2=\"+value2\"; param1=value1">.

177 tests, 24174 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
ERROR: Test "ruby1.8" failed. Exiting.

It seems that it is an issue with function arguments ending up
in the wrong order when building a string of them with




    lib/rmail/header.rb:357 (function add)

for relevant code.

Basically the test creates a header with a value and two params.

The function add takes name, value, index, and params and
concatenates everything in the order they came in IIUC.

My first thought after investigating was that ruby on my laptop
and on the chroot differentiates in how they handle function
argument ordering. Is there any relevance to this?


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