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Re: Breaks: instead of Conflicts: for transitional packages

  Hi Antonio,

On 21/06/11 01:23, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
Hi Vincent,
Please double check your packages and make sure your new ruby-foo
`Breaks: libfoo-ruby, libfoo-ruby1.8` instead of Conflicts: (and make
sure that's a versioned Breaks: in the same way we have done until now
with versioned Conflicts:)

   Hmmmm... I also thought of that, but I'm unsure now. Break will only
ensure that the packages are not configured at the same time, while
Conflict will ensure they are not unpacked at the same time. Imagine
that we have the old libruby-foo1.8 and the new ruby-foo.
libruby-foo1.8 have files in /usr/lib/ruby/1.8, while the newer has
files in /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby. The problem is that if the old
libruby-foo1.8 is unpacked but unconfigured for some reason while
ruby-foo is installed and configured (which is allowed with Breaks,
but not with Conflicts), the new /usr/bin/foo executable (from
ruby-foo) will use preferably code from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8 (the old

Vendor dirs have precedence over the interpreter's library directory:

terceiro@morere:~ (home)$ ruby1.8 -e 'puts $:'

  OK, great, then my point is moot.

That also means that we should add this particular feature (precedence of the vendor dir over system dir in RUBYLIB path) in the Ruby policy.


Vincent Fourmond, Debian Developer

Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty
and derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great
wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would,
on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying.
 -- Terry Pratchet, the Colour of Magic

Vincent, listening to Psycho (System of a Down)

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