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Re: Ruby packaging in wheezy: gem2deb, new policy, etc.

Gunnar Wolf escreveu isso aí:
> > > This could be efficient, but I'd like to keep having what we have now,
> > > a single repository that carries all of the group's work, instead of
> > > having a (very lightweight, yes, but uncoordinated) repository per
> > > source package.
> > 
> > Why would it have to be uncoordinated?
> Because they are many different, separated repositories. Yes, they can
> be coordinated by becoming submodules of a master Git tree - but I
> think that'd be überclunk. I'm willing to be proven wrong, of course.

I am probably biased towards Git against anything else, but in the very
specific case of pkg-ruby-extras, using Subversion is not as annoying as
it is in other projects I collaborate with.

On the other hand, probably 100% of our upstreams use Git, and also
using it for the packaging work will both make it easier for us to track
upstream *and* to send stuff back to them.

But I would like to see something that gives us the same convenience
that we have with our svn repository; perhaps some rake tasks in the
root of such master Git repo would do the trick.

Does anyone know of any other packaging group (in Debian or not) that
has something like what we have today (a large repository with lots of
- relatively - small packages), but in Git?

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@softwarelivre.org>

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