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[mame@tsg.ne.jp: [ruby-core:28329] [ANN] Ruby 1.9.2dev has passed RubySpec!]

FYI -- from ruby-core@.

----- Forwarded message from Yusuke ENDOH <mame@tsg.ne.jp> -----

From: Yusuke ENDOH <mame@tsg.ne.jp>
To: ruby developers list <ruby-core@ruby-lang.org>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 00:41:12 +0900
Subject: [ruby-core:28329] [ANN] Ruby 1.9.2dev has passed RubySpec!
Reply-To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
List-Id: ruby-core.ruby-lang.org


I'm proud to announce that MRI trunk (1.9.2dev) has finally
passed all specs of RubySpec!

Yugui, the release manager of 1.9, has cancelled the release
schedule of 1.9.2 in [ruby-core:25707] because "Ruby 1.9.2
must pass (RubySpec) before release".  As far as I know, that
was the last official announce about 1.9.2 release.

Yugui, could you rearrange a 1.9.2 release plan?

Though trunk now passes RubySpec, more work is still needed.
RubySpec does not have enough specs about 1.9 features.  There
are even some specs that are actually implementation-detail.
In addition, trunk can pass currently only on Debian/lenny on
IA32 (the only supported platform).
On the other hand, through this activities, we could realize
that some parts of MRI need major redesign.
We should continue to improve both.

Even so, I believe this is a big step for 1.9.2 release and
even 1.9 series.

I'd like to thank everyone who have been working:

- RubySpec folks, especially, Brian Ford who have started
  RubySpec, enhanced mspec to support 1.9's spec and given
  fruitful advice

- core team folks, especially, Yui Naruse who created M17N-
  support patch for RubySpec, and Yusuke Endoh :-) who have
  updated many specs and have asked maintainers to clarify
  spec detail

- maintainers of the standard library who elaborated the spec
  of each library and/or fixed a bug:
  - Tadayoshi Funaba (for Date)
  - matz and nobu (for Delegate)
  - Masatoshi Seki (for ERB)
  - James Edward Gray II (for CSV)
  - Keiju Ishitsuka (for Matrix)
  - Shugo Maeda (for Net::FTP)
  - Aaron Patterson (for YAML)

- those who have tackled RubySpec conformance of 1.9 before
  I do, especially, akasaka.rb folks, Marc-Andre Lafortune,
  Run Paint Run Run, Vladimir Sizikov, ujihisa and who seem to
  commit many patches into RubySpec to support 1.9

(Very sorry if I overlook)


Yusuke ENDOH <mame@tsg.ne.jp>

----- End forwarded message -----

| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
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