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ruby-support: call for review/help


I did some work on ruby-support.  I implemented the support for pure
ruby libs, as well as the management of overrides for specific ruby

The code lives here:

And a good place to start is the README file:

Please don't hesitate to review, post comments, etc.

>From the README file, summary of TODO items:
- file some bugs on the various interpreters
- discuss a new Ruby policy, so that everybody uses ruby-support the
  same way
- debhelper + cdbs helpers
- support native libs
- sugar (like metadata about test suites)

About native libs, we have two solutions:
- provide the native libs for all interpreters in the same binary
  (-) size of binary package
  (+) will allow to add new ruby versions with a simple binNMU
- provide one native lib per binary package, but all built from the same
  (+) size of binary package
  (-) need sourceful upload for new ruby versions, unless we generate
      the list of binary packages automatically at build time.

In both cases, we need support for that. Also, we have to decide whether
we want to use ruby-support (at least partially) for that. Even if the
symlink farm is useless, it could still be useful to provide some common
commands, for example to enumerate the ruby versions.

Any opinions?
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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