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Re: Ruby 1.9.1 package release plan [ SUMMARY ]


On 2009/07/23, at 8:25, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> My big problem with the re-use of the ruby1.9 source package is that
> transitionning all packages will take time. We lack manpower in the
> Debian/ruby community, and, without technical help from tools like
> ruby-support, the transition is likely to take at least a month.
> I don't want ruby to be in a broken state (uninstallable libs, etc) for
> such a long time. Of course, users that still have 1.9.0 packages (and
> prevent them from being upgraded to 1.9.1) would be fine, but if a user
> upgrades it by mistake, and then discover that a library he needs is not
> available with 1.9.1 yet, he will have to downgrade ruby.
> That's why I really think that the only sane choice is to fully support
> several ruby versions for some time, to leave more time for the
> transition.
> Also, note that the transition from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 is relatively easy,
> since most packages aren't available for 1.9.0 yet. But the 1.9.1->1.9.2
> transition is likely to be even more painful.
> Another problem is that by automatically upgrading to 1.9.1, you will
> break stuff on the user's machine. Manually installed libs and gems that
> were installed with 1.9.0 will no longer work with 1.9.1. That's why I
> think that the switch to 1.9.1 must be made consciously by the user.

I agree.

(But I think that we should further discuss 
about ruby-support and new policy issues. 
Daigo-san and I will forward comments from Japanese Debian users.)

I will do the following steps:

 1. ITP ruby1.9.1 (tomorrow)
 2. prepare ruby1.9.1.deb
 3. upload ruby1.9.1.deb to sid (maybe next week)
 4. ITP ruby1.9.1 (after above step)
 5. prepare ruby1.9.2-preview1.deb (ruby1.9.2_1.9.2~preview1)
 6. upload ruby1.9.2-preview1.deb to experimental

Any comments?


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