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Re: Naming of Ruby library packages

On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 07:28:25PM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> I'd like to raise again the subject of the naming of library packages.
> I've read the python policy, which does sensible things, and wrote
>   http://pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org/policy.html
> Could you please comment on what is proposed here ?

First I want to comment that right now it is a bit messy in the
repository.  One can depend on ruby (>= 1.8), ruby (<< 1.9) or on
ruby1.8 or libruby1.8 or ...  and for the build-depends it is the same. 
It is not really clear what is The Way To Do It (tm).  So this is
probably why all Ruby packages in the archive currently do it all

My comments on Packaging Variants:

- To depend on ruby or on librubyX.Y depends on what it is that your are
  packaging.  Most Ruby libs will probably not need the interpreter but
  only the stdlib (thus libruby), the same holds for bindings.  Apps
  will have #!/usr/bin/ruby or something similar in the code and will
  need the interpreter.

- I am not sure if the variants you propose are a choice left to the
  maintainer or to us the policy-drafters (choose one and make it the
  policy).  I rather have something that says that if a lib is something
  of kind A or B, you package it like variant (1) otherwise like
  variant (2).  

- I do not understand why there is a /usr/local/lib/site_ruby (also
  present in $LOAD_PATH) but no /usr/lib/ruby for "version independant"
  libs, this is IMO quite inconsistent.

- I think that at the moment there is a huge amount of dummy packages
  just to depend on the only available -ruby1.8 one.  I think we should
  stop this or start building our stuff for ruby1.9.

My comments on Documentation and examples:

- Now, the libfoo-ruby pkg has a pure dummy function and it would be
  strange for someone to expect documentation in a dumm package (if it
  is small), since almost all descriptions denote it to be just a dummy
  pkg.  This will have to change.
  I agree though with the putting small docs in the "ex" dummy pkg. 
  This is a good idea because the libfoo-ruby pkgs are meant for
  developers needing the libs.  Apps that use the lib will depend on
  specific versions (libfoo-ruby1.8).  This may depend a bit though on
  the outcome of the policy regards packaging variants.  :)

- It should me made clear that documentation should be available both 
  in RI and HTML format.

Some other issues I encountered/thought about:

- Why is the lib structure not following the FHS?  That is, using some
  of the interpretations.  I have heard people commenting on that to me
  many times.  All arch independant stuff should be in /usr/share. 
  $LOAD_PATH would then become:


  Note that there are no version-independent binary dirs (/usr/lib/ruby,
  /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/), since all shared libs are linked to some

- Something is still missing about API changes (like what libcmdparse ->
  libcmdparse2 went through).


Student @ Eindhoven                         | email: paul@luon.net
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: paul@luon.net
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