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Please package damagecontrol and its missing dependents


I am a happy user of Debian and I appreciate all your efforts to give me 
control over so much useful software.

However the current situation with Ruby-Packages and gems is a complete mess.

I wanted to test DamageControl from http://damagecontrol.codehaus.org/.

As I could not find any Debian package (and not able/willing to build up the 
knowledge to build my own ruby/Debian packages) I was tried the ruby/gems 
approach und failed miserably as two requested gems sqlite3-ruby and x10-cm17a 
would not install on my Powerbook (missing mkmf.rb).

I would greatly appreciate if you could provide Debian packages for all the 
missing packets. 

There might be more missing Debian packages as I found in the Subversion 
archive the following
require_gem 'ambient'
require_gem 'cmdparse'
require_gem 'gmailer'
require_gem 'jabber4r'
require_gem 'meta_project'
require_gem 'mime-types'
require_gem 'rake'
require_gem 'RedCloth'
require_gem 'rscm'
require_gem 'ruby-growl'
require_gem 'rubyzip'
require_gem 'sqlite3-ruby'
require_gem 'x10-cm17a'

Please cc to me, as I am not subscribed to this mailing list.

Best regards

Niklaus Giger
Wieshoschet 6
CH-8753 Mollis

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