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Re: Hello?

Ar 23/04/2004 am 14:28, ysgrifennodd Thomas Adam:
> > A bit about myself: I'm approaching the end of a degree in Computer
> > Science at Reading University. Once that's finished, I'll be starting a
> Cool, as I say I am in Southampton doing a Software Engineering degree.

Good luck with  that!

> > job working on Debian stuff. Things I enjoy doing: cycling, cooking and
> > trying to learn Japanese.
> Are you doing that because you feel it is easier than trying to learn
> Welsh (or, should that be Wlsh?) :)
> (sorry, I just couldn't resist!)

Contrary to popular belief, Welsh does indeed have vowels. In fact, it
has seven, so there! :)

As you might have guessed, I am a Welsh speaker. As for Japanese, I
don't really have a good answer for why I decided to learn it, but I am
really enjoying it!


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