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Help to test/vetify Debian riscv?


Recently I have a help/requests from one group that focuses on
testing most Linux distros about RISC-V.

Because as we all know, now Debian riscv64 is not release arch
and even lots of packages have build-depends trouble due to
atomic or other issues. I have introduced the current situation
to them. We have many means to ensure the quality[0] of the package
if the package is present in Debian. If only some bad user
experience on here, It is nonsense to bother the maintainer about
the port arch. it is also impractical to test all packages for
testing purposes only.

But conversely, I think there should have a safe space here for
users or people for other purposes to help test the Debian port
arch(not only riscv), so, where are the boundaries? Is there
some guidance or suggestion here to get better support from
outside forces to help test the port arch?

I can imagine the scenario from my personal experience:

1. system boot (verify kernel),
2. daily upgrade system on sid and to see what breaks something,
3. normal login from DM.

I think it is necessary to verify the system/image daily
because we are missing the gate. Although we have several buildd
and debci machines(if have for port arch) running all the time
every day, but it can't catch the issue caused by system upgrade
in time.

Any comments are welcome. thanks.

PS: Definitely. we encourage users to report their issues when
they are using Debian. The call for should is only for
people/organizations to help the open source community.
[0]: https://qa.debian.org/
  Bo YU

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