Re: Bug#890791: stretch-pu: package dpkg/1.18.25
On Wed, 2018-02-28 at 18:45:49 +0000, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-02-28 at 16:05 +0100, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> > 2018-02-18 22:26 Guillem Jover:
> > > I'd like to update dpkg in stretch. This includes several fixes for
> > > documentation, regressions, misbheavior, minor security issues, and
> > > a new arch definition so that DAK can accept packages using it. The
> > > fixes have been in sid/buster for a while now.
> >
> > We depend on this version being accepted and installed in the systems
> > where DAK lives to learn about the new architecture. After that,
> > several other packages can add support for the architecture, without
> > receiving an automatic reject when uploaded.
> >
> > It would be great if this update could enter in the next stable
> > update, so we can make progress on that front.
> We've been discussing this amongst the SRMs and are quite wary of a
> dpkg update this close to the p-u freeze. We appreciate that the
> changes individually seem self-contained but would like to have an
> update of such a key package able to be tested more than is feasible in
> the time available.
> (On a related note, in practical terms it's very unlikely that there
> would be sufficient time to get the new strings that are introduced
> translated.)
Is there perhaps anything you are waiting for me to do here?
For the strings I realized afterwards I can take the ones from sid.
I've not yet checked how many, or if I'd really need a call for
translation, but I'd rather do that only after I know which parts you
are going to accept. :) But TBH, this being gettext I'm not sure it
matters that much, as only those strings might end up not being
translated and dpkg does not have 100% coverage for all languages
anyway. :)
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