Bug#895969: webkit2gtk: FTBFS on riscv64 due to not linking against libatomic
Source: webkit2gtk
Version: 2.20.1-1
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-riscv@lists.debian.org
User: debian-riscv@lists.debian.org
Usertags: riscv64
webkit2gtk 2.20.1-1 FTBFS on the riscv64 architecture with "undefined
reference to `__atomic_compare_exchange_1'". Full log at:
This happens due to the fact that riscv64 has native atomics support,
but only for 32bit and 64bit operations. Support for 8bit/16bit atomic
operations is provided by libatomic, but webkit2gtk doesn't link against
libatomic, so the build fails.
There is support for automatically linking in libatomic when required,
but for that the linker needs to be called with the "-pthread" parameter
(not "-lpthread").
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