Re: mpi-default-dev: add riscv64 to list of MPI arches
Control: user
Control: usertag -1 + riscv64
2018-04-15 17:19 Drew Parsons:
Package: mpi-default-dev
Version: 1.10
Severity: normal
Both openmpi and mpich now build on the new arch riscv64.
So riscv64 should be added to the list of default arches.
I was going to submit a bug report right now (thanks for beating me to
it!), so yes, please add support for this arch.
Whether default to openmpi or to mpich, your choice.
mpich fails due to tests in the current buildd, and although ideally
we'll work on it and get it properly fixed soon, for riscv64 it'd better
be "openmpi" at the moment -- which is the defalt for almost all other
arches anyway, as you say further down in your message.
Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <>
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