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Bug#1053387: reportbug: querybts crashes when more than one bug number is passed on the command line

On 03.10.2023, Asher Gordon wrote:
> This code is problematic for several reasons.
> 1. The elements of 'package' are integers, not strings (I am not sure
> under what circumstances they would be strings). This is what causes the
> crash.

This function is not only called by querybts, but also by reportbug, in
which case the elements are usually strings.

Sorry, but querybts is basically unmaintained. There have been thoughts
of dropping it for many years, it only has not been done yet because it
still mostly works. Maybe we should finally do it, to avoid people
(i.e., you in this case) wasting their time analysing its bugs?

Reportbug is nowadays superior to querybts in querying the bts (if you
don't know the bug number(s) yet). And if you already have the bug
number(s), I find it more convenient to look them up in the browser

Thanks for your detailed report and analysis, though. About the patch -
did you try it in the text console where xdg-open starts a text browser
and must return to reportbug/querybts after closing the browser? Not
sure if this still works if you start the browser in the background.

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