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Bug#1007106: reportbug: please make the meaning of the a11y tag clearer

> My understanding is that the a11y tag is intended to be for bugs that
> harm Debian's usefulness for people who rely on assistive technologies
> (screen readers, high contrast themes, etc.), and more generally, people
> who are not well-served by typical application developer assumptions as
> a result of disabilities or similar factors. The debian-accessibility
> mailing list is described on https://lists.debian.org/devel.html as
> "Making Debian more accessible to people with disabilities", and the
> a11y tag is shown on bugs.debian.org as a wheelchair symbol emoji,
> which supports that interpretation.
> However, reportbug describes the tag as:
> > 1 a11y      This bug is relevant to the accessibility of the package.
> and I think a lot of non-technical users are interpreting this as "this
> bug makes it hard for *me personally* to use this package" - but if
> we used that interpretation, then it would apply to a lot of medium to
> high severity bugs in user-facing components like desktop environments,
> and the bugs that are particularly relevant to debian-accessibility
> subscribers would be lost in the noise.

I sympathize with your request, but please first address the rewording
the the authoritative source of tags descriptions:

we are downstream of it, and to avoid confusion and inconsistencies,
will not change the description in reportbug until BTS will do so, but
we'll be happy to update it as soon as there's a new description
available on the BTS website.

Thanks for understanding,
Sandro "morph" Tosi
My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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