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Bug#412914: reportbug: please add support for SSL protected SMTP communication

I meant I tested switching SMTP to SMTP_SSL (I send that report from locally modified reportbug).

I filled remaining stuff and made MR https://salsa.debian.org/reportbug-team/reportbug/merge_requests/52 .

I kept smtptls and --tls for compatibility reasons (but in fact they're little bit incorrect -> it's starttls, not clear tls transport). Hope it's OK this way.

Thank you
Best regards
David Heidelberg

Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org> napsal St, 12. úno 2020 v 20∶50:
Control: tags -1 +moreinfo

 Hello. I also missing to ability to communicate with my server, so I
made a small patch to clarify (TLS vs STARTTLS) and add option to use
 TLS on port 465. I didn't tested it yet, since in my code I just
replaced SMTP to SMTP_SSL, but should work. Feel free to test with gmail
 or different 465 only provider.

thanks for your patch, but it's not ok to delegate the testing to us;
please test your patch, submit an updated patch if necessary, and
remove the moreinfo tag when doing so.

Looks like you also need to update the manpage for reportbugrc to
mention the new option and all the other documents regarding
commandline options and reportbug.

Thanks again,
Sandro "morph" Tosi
My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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