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Requesting for adding the loong64 port to arch_qualify page


I request for adding the loong64 port to arch_qualify page (https://release.debian.org/testing/arch_qualify.html).
Could you add loong64 to the architecture table in arch_qualify page?
I will improve the port until it completely satisfies the criteria for being included in a Debian release.

- About Debian debci.
I am preparing debci machines for debci team.
Please see https://lists.debian.org/debian-ci/2024/05/msg00012.html.

- About ArchiveQualification
Additionally, I have created a ArchiveQualification page for loong64. I will update continuously.
Please see https://wiki.debian.org/ArchiveQualification/loong64.

If you have any questions about the loong64 port you can contact me at any time? If I've handled any of the processes wrong, please don't feel troubled and please correct me.

Dandan Zhang

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